For those who have integrated into Safaricom’s M-Pesa C2B APIs via both Daraja or Broker, you may need to change the URLs probably due to change/relocation of servers or location of your services. The steps involved are just a few as laid out below. You must be the owner of the actual Paybill receiving payments to be able to request the change of URLs.

  • Write a letter to using the business/company’s official letterhead requesting for a change in URLs
  • Include the Paybill number whose URLs are being replaced and new/replacement URLs, specifying which is the validation URL and which is the confirmation URL. If you are on Broker, also include the SPID used to register the URLs in the first place.
  • Send an email with the above letter scanned into PDF to
  • They should respond to you after the request has been processed informing you to register your new URLs asap.

For all M-Pesa APIs consultation, contact Peter via or through the number (+254)705-740 384